So I've been thinking a lot about when I will tell people that I am pregnant and who those people will be.
I realize that the only time that it is right to tell people you are pregnant is when it is the right time for you and your partner.
I love my husband, but I have been thinking when I will even tell him. Please don't get me wrong! I can't even imagine not having him there holding my hand as we wait for that pregnancy test to change colours (or whatever those things do). My only concern is really him telling a bunch of people, but really what is the problem with that?
I guess that's the big question.
Do you share this momentous, life-changing celebration with everyone you love? Do you cherish this moment with your partner until later weeks and share it with everyone else in a fun way? Do you tell only a select group of people (I'm thinking parents and siblings)? Is it fair to expect those people close to you keep your special secret? Oh my!
I'm still completely undecided what I'll do when the time comes.
What would you do?