Monday, March 28

Playing the Waiting Game

So... now I wait.

Since I've been off my birth control, my menstrual cycle has been very regular, with one exception; I have been having about 3 days of spotting before my period seems to "arrive". This never happened when I was on the pill. I'm anxiously waiting to see if things are the same or different this month. For me, this could be my early clue.

One thing that has been different this month is the cramping I'm feeling in my lower abdomen. Cramps are a normal occurrence for me during my monthly cycle. They never occur before my period comes though, always on day two or three of my period. I can't remember a time that I experienced cramps prior to getting my period. Is this a sign? Am I just driving myself crazy thinking everything is a sign? Is this what women do?

This was the first month that my husband and I actively tried to get pregnant. Since then I feel like everything is about baby. What I eat and drink, how much sleep I get, how much exercise I get, thinking positive thoughts when it comes to baby. I know that this is generally a good thing, but how do couples who have been trying for months or even years keep this up?

I'm happy to be at a place in my life where I am actively trying to prepare my entire self for this pregnancy, but this waiting month to month could be rather crazy.

I don't want to be that woman that says she just "knows" she was pregnant - but I do know that I just "feel" different. Maybe this "different" isn't associated with baby, but something is different.