Wednesday, June 8

Today I kinda hate my life... but I love sushi...

So I wasn't sure if I was experiencing implantation bleeding or if my period was coming...

It was my period.

Today I kinda hate my life. I feel so defeated. I feel like a failure. I wonder when it's ever going to be my turn. 

How do women and couples do this for months or years on end? I'm exhausted. Every month we baby dance and baby dance. Every month I experience something in my body that I've never experienced before. Every month my cycles seem to be doing something different. Every month I hope and pray that this will be the month that we conceive. Every month I truly feel that I'm pregnant.

Just defeated...

So today I had a huge cup of coffee and a huge plate of sushi. If I drank, I'm pretty sure that I'd be drunk.

How do women and couples deal with this?

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