Thursday, June 16

26 Things About Me

So in order to keep you all entertained while we wait for my period to finish (and hopefully moving past the "am I pregnant?" posts) I thought I'd write a post that shares 26 things about me.

1. I have short hair. I recently chopped my hair off to a point that I can proudly say I have short hair. I enjoy that my appearance is different than most females. I love that I have the confidence to do what most females wouldn't even consider.

2. I am debt free. We are debt free. My husband and I paid of $80000 of debt in three years. Yah, we pretty much rule!

3. I finally am at a job where I feel like I could be building a career. I'm working at a mortgage brokerage.

4. I am sewing again. For my birthday this year my husband got me a sewing machine. I have really loved making crib quilts.

5. I recently completed a chakra course. It was something I did entirely for me and it has been life changing.

6. I love Matt & Nat bags and Miz Mooz Shoes.

7. I absolutely love raspberry bubble tea and sushi. Oh, and red velvet cupcakes. And nonfat green tea lattes.

8. I have stopped weighing myself daily. I'd been doing it for years, and one day I just stopped.

9. I recently got a Library card and I am loving it!

10. I seem to have recently acquired a love for owl themed decor. Especially baby decor.

11. For my birthday this year I got a tarot card reading done - very cool, will do again.

13. Last weekend I treated myself to two new pairs glasses. Yeah for finally having prescription sunglasses!

14. Yesterday my husband and I found a REALTOR that we love and trust... hopefully house shopping soon!

15. I love finding random information on the internet - especially things to clarify my random thoughts.

16. I don't wash my face before going to bed - it's something I really need to work on changing.

17. I love my family. I have a Dad, a Mom, and a younger brother who is getting married about two months! 

18. I really love food, cooking, and new recipes - but really hate cleaning the kitchen.

19. I'm a spreadsheet nut - any information that I can organize into tables to calculate results thrills me... ya I know...

20. I love little details - little things mean so much to me - sometimes I loose grasp on the bigger picture.

21. I really, really love my husband. I am IN LOVE with him more and more each day.

22. I hope to travel more one day. 

23. I only own one vehicle - we've done without two for at least 5 years - we'll see what baby brings (and maybe new house).

24. In university I took a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Psychology.

25. My best friends don't live in the same province as me (yah... I'm Canadian... eh).

26. I really want to have a healthy child with my husband.

Hope you've learned a little more about me.

Wednesday, June 8

Today I kinda hate my life... but I love sushi...

So I wasn't sure if I was experiencing implantation bleeding or if my period was coming...

It was my period.

Today I kinda hate my life. I feel so defeated. I feel like a failure. I wonder when it's ever going to be my turn. 

How do women and couples do this for months or years on end? I'm exhausted. Every month we baby dance and baby dance. Every month I experience something in my body that I've never experienced before. Every month my cycles seem to be doing something different. Every month I hope and pray that this will be the month that we conceive. Every month I truly feel that I'm pregnant.

Just defeated...

So today I had a huge cup of coffee and a huge plate of sushi. If I drank, I'm pretty sure that I'd be drunk.

How do women and couples deal with this?

Monday, June 6

Magic, memories, and moments...

So the wedding was everything every Bride could ever dreams of.

It seems crazy to think it has been a week since my last post. Last week I enjoyed getting my hair done and having a massage... but my spa night got cancelled - so I rescheduled it before my brother's wedding later this summer.

On Friday the family spent the day setting up the reception hall - it was beautiful! We braved the cold on Saturday for the outdoor farm wedding. I was amazed at the turn out! So much support for the couple!

With so many memories made this weekend... it's hard to pick one that really stands out for me. For me one of the biggest highlights was getting to hold a two week old baby (my husband's cousin's son). He was just so small, so content, so perfect. You should see those lips! It felt so right - especially sitting there on the couch with my husband's arm around me - I wanted to take the little guy home!

After spending this weekend with so many family members, I'm more anxious than ever to see if this is THE month that we got pregnant. Against better knowledge, last night I took a pregnancy test - I'm still 6 days or so until my period could show up - it was negative. I honestly had a bit of a cry, but I also know it was early. I need to keep my chin up.

I guess I'll just have to continue to wait until Saturday (or possibly later depending on what my cycle decides to do this month).

Send magical baby dust my way!