So my period came...
Three days late. First time I've ever been late.
Good news is that I have more info.
After being late, and obviously anxious I went to a walk-in clinic to get a hCG blood test requisition. The doctor explained to be that urine tests are very accurate nowadays, especially when taken after the day of your expected period. Nonetheless, he was very kind, and gave me a requisition. So now I have the test when the urine test turns positive next time.
This was a nice opportunity to cool my jets and think about the baby situation again.
My husband and I decided that we do still want to try to get pregnant, but that we don't need to obsess about it - okay I don't need to obsess about it.
It also allowed me more time to think about when we plan on telling others that we're expecting (when we actually are). The more I think about it, the more I feel comfortable with the idea of waiting to tell people, but I know that I'll struggle with that as the excitement builds.
Also I like the idea of having a baby in a month other than December - simply just to make it more special outside of the holiday season.
So on to Month #2...