Tuesday, May 24

Trying an OPK

So... trying to conceive hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be... (but probably more fun!)

My period came May 12... 35 day cycle... very odd. Again, until last month I'd never been "late" before. It seems that getting off of my birth control is definitely taking my cycle for a lengthy loop. I understand that I am not "late," rather my cycles are just longer than average.

But how long are they?

Since my cycles seem to be getting longer and longer... and the anticipation of the wait kills me... I ordered a bunch of pregnancy tests, as well as ovulation tests online. It was a combo deal so it was super cheap - less than 50 cents a test... much cheaper than 7 bucks a pop at my local drugstore. Now I can have peace of mind.

Yesterday I started using the ovulation predictor kit (OPK). Basically what this kit involves is testing for the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that becomes present in blood and urine. My OPK is a urine stick test. As I understand it, LH is at its highest concentration 24-48 hours before the release of a fertile egg.

So basically I'm testing my urine everyday to see if I've had an LH surge so I can more accurately time baby dance time... not that I'm not enjoying the extra effort.

I'll keep you posted on my LH surge...