Yeah Baby! LH Surge!
So last night I talked about the gradual increase in colour of the test line on my OPK - LH test.
Now I really don't know if it still means something, but there is no doubt that the test I just took is positive.
So to explain this to those of you who have never seen an ovulation predictor kit here's a few things to know (I'll explain from the right of the picture to the left):
- So the green part is the handle. As you can see - for my own purpose I've been labelling the handle - Today is day 5. In case you're wondering, the reason I have two number 4s is because I started testing twice a day - A and B. Because I was noticing an increase in colour of the test line I thought that maybe I was getting closer to the surge. And because I didn't want to miss it I started testing twice a day. BINGO!
- From the green handle you will notice that there is a light purple line - that's the control line. This line is used as an experimental comparison.
- Moving left, is the test region. This is where the results may appear. You will notice that the top test (labelled "5") is undeniably darker than the line to the right of it (the control line). This means a positive result. You will notice that as the numbers on the green handle increase, there is a gradual increase of colour of the test line. Yep, definitely happy!
- Left from there is the urine mark line - basically the maximum level marked for the urine dip test.
I guess there are a few reasons why I'm so excited:
- I just had my first positive LH test! This is pretty exciting because I previously assumed I was ovulating much earlier than I thought - okay not much, but a few days out of the optimal window. Good to know.
- Hubby and I did the baby dance this morning! (Reason in itself to be happy!) It's my understanding that this is ideal - plus it's much more fun for it to be spontaneous then, well, not.
- The test works for me! I've read online that the test doesn't really seem to show anything for some ladies or they miss the surge all together. Not me!
- Last but not least: More baby dancing for me!
I'll keep you posted! As you can see, I'm pretty excited!